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Model Guide: Idéale Saddles and Clips

Model No.Earliest ReferencesRangeSizeWeightNotes
21970sComfort9.8″ x 6″ “Mixte Maxi-Mousse,” leather top, latex foam padding, two rear coil springs
31970sComfort9.8″ x 6″ “Mixte Maxi-Mousse,” Skai/mattress top, latex foam padding, two rear coil springs
41970sComfort9.75″ x 7.5″1lb. 9ozs.Men’s model, similar to Norex, leather top, zinc plated or silver enamel springs, two rear loop springs
51963Standard Sports11.125″ x 6.375″1lb. 7ozs.“Club 5,” saddle bag loops
61970sComfort9″ x 7.5″1lb. 9ozs.Women’s model, similar to Norex, leather top, zinc plated or silver enamel springs, two rear loop springs
141970sComfort9.75″ x 9″2lbs.“TB 14,” women’s model, English saddle leather, latex foam padding
221963, 1970sComfort9″ x 9″1lb. 10ozs.Supple saddle, male or female, grey sides with maroon or blue top, luminescent back (AR)
271963Junior Boys9.5″ x 5″1lbs. 3ozs.Leather, racing model
281931, 1963Junior Boys8.25 x 6.75″ Mixte model, leather, two wire frame, two rear loop springs
291963Junior Girls  Leather, two wire frame
301963Junior Boys8.75″ x 7″1lb. 1.5ozs.Leather, four wire frame
311963Junior Girls  Leather, four wire frame
321941Standard Sports9.5″ x 7.5″ Mixte model, leather, two wire frame, four rear loop springs, saddle bag loops
381963Standard Sports10.5″ x 6″1lb. 6.5ozs.“Course 38,” saddle bag loops, perforated sides
391970, 1970sStandard Sports10″ x 5.5″1lb. 4.5ozs.Cutaway nose, perforated sides, two wire frame, No. 2 clip
411963Standard Sports11.25″ x 6.5″1lb. 7ozs.“Sport 41,” saddle bag loops, perforated sides
421963, 1970, 1970sStandard Sports11″ x 6″1lb. 7.5ozs.“Record 42,” saddle bag loops
43 Record  Removable wire spring, saddle bag loops, perforated sides
441963Standard Sports11.25″ x 6.5″1lb. 7ozs.“Course 44,” saddle bag loops, perforated sides
45 Special Competition   
461963Standard Sports10.875″ x 5.625″1lb. 10.5ozs.“Special 46,” removable wire spring, saddle bag loops, perforated sides
481955Professional10.75″ x 6″1lb. 9ozs.Hollow center, four copper nose rivets, large curved back, Duralumin frame
511955, 1963Record10″ x 6″1lb. 10.5ozs.Cyclocross nose, removable wire spring, reinforced clip, copper rivets, reinforced frame
511955, 1963Professional10″ x 6″1lb. 12ozs.Same as No. 51 Record, treated and waterproofed leather
521963Record11.25″ x 6″1lb. 9.25ozs.Copper rivets, removable wire spring, reinforced frame, reinforced clip
521963Professional11.25″ x 6″1lb. 12ozs.Same as No. 52 Record, treated and waterproofed leather
57 Record  Duralumin frame
57 Professional  Duralumin frame
581955Record10″ x 6″1lb. 5ozs.Duralumin frame, cyclocross nose, reinforced clip, copper rivets
581955Professional10″ x 6″1lb. 5ozs.Same as No. 58 Record, treated and waterproofed leather
591955, 1963Record11.25″ x 6.25″1lb. 5.5ozs.Racing model, copper rivets, standard nose, Duralumin frame, perforated sides
591955, 1963Professional11.25″ x 6.25″1lb. 6.25ozs.Same as No. 59 Record, treated and waterproofed leather
64 Record  “Hawk nose,” relieved top
65 Record  “Hawk nose,” Duralumin frame, relieved top
751963Standard Sports10″ x 6.25″1lb. 8ozs.“Special 75,” saddle bag loops
761955Cyclo Tourist10″ x 6″2lbs. 5ozs.Touring model, natural leather, cyclocross nose, reinforced clip, two rear coil springs
771963Cyclo Tourist10″ x 6″2lbs. 5ozs.Cyclocross/hawk nose, natural leather, reinforced clip, two rear coil springs
801970, 1970s, 1979, 1981Record10.25″ x 5.75″1lb. 8ozs.“Saddle back” shape with campbered back plate and cutaway leather, extra quality top, two wire frame, No. 2 clip
801970, 1970s, 1979, 1981Speciale10.25″ x 5.75″1lb. 8ozs.Same as No. 80 Record, treated and waterproofed leather
801970Criterium10.25″ x 5.25″1lb. 7ozs.Same as No. 80 Speciale, short nose, copper rivets, cutaway “swallow” sides
881963, 1970s, 1981Special Competition10.5″ x 6″ Removable wire spring, copper rivets on cantle plate, non-slip (SC) or Nitor/Campagnolo (C) clip
891963Special Competition10.5″ x 6″ Same as No. 88, cutaway “swallow” sides
90A1970, 1981Special Competition10.5″ x 5.75″1lb. 9ozs.Extra supple, waterproofed, oak bark tanned, copper rivets, two wire frame, No. 2 clip, “A” model
90CR1970, 1981Special Competition10.5″ x 5.75″1lb. 9ozs.Same as No. 90A, Rebour treated, “CR” Rodee Main model,
90IR1970, 1970s, 1981Special Competition10.5″ x 5.75″1lb. 1.5ozs.Same as No. 90CR, Duralumin frame
921970s, 1981 10.6″ x 6.7″/9″ x 6.7″1lb. 7ozs.Men’s/women’s touring model, similar to No. 90, 2cm wider cantle plate, 1cm longer, large rivets, Rebour treatment, No. 2 clip
301963Junior Boys  Nortal plastic
1301970sJunior Boys8.75″ x 6″13ozs.Leather top
134    Leather top, chrome frame, large rivets
145  12″ x 5″  
3011931, 1970s 9.75″ x 7.75″2lbs. 13.75ozs.Heavyweight model, leather top, two rear coil springs, two front loop springs
3031970s 10.25″ x 8″3lbs. 8.5ozs.Heavyweight model, leather top, two rear tall coil springs, two front loop springs
20001970s, 1979, 1981 10.75″ x 6″1lb.Rislan top, No. 2 clip
20011970s, 1979, 1981 10.75″ x 6″1lb. 1.25ozs.Rislan top, black or natural leather, No. 2 clip
20021970s, 1979, 1981 10.75″ x 6″1lb. 1.25ozs.Rislan top, black or natural leather, latex foam padding
20031970s, 1979, 1981 10.75″ x 6″1lb. 3.75ozs.Rislan top, natural/suede/plaid leather, all chrome
20041970s, 1979, 1981 10.6″ x 5.9″1lb. 7ozs./1lb. 1.75ozs.“La Randonneuse”, steel/titanium frame, Rislan top, black or natural leather, latex foam padding, steel or titanium clip, No. 2 clip
PB Professional  Duralumin frame
Norex1963Standard Sports11.25″ x 6.375″1lb. 5ozs.Saddle bag loops, perforated sides
Franceix1963Standard Sports11″ x 6.5″1lb. 4ozs.Saddle bag loops, tan leather
Tan-Sad1963Junior Baby  Child carrier, security strap, luminescent back, mattress seat, vinyl


Related Ebykr Article:

Idéale Saddles: Behind the Leather Curtain



Sizes and weights of some models change slightly over catalog entries, generally getting narrower and lighter with time (e.g., Nos. 80, 90). Sizes and weights above are from their first available catalog entry.


Idéale Saddle Clip Guide:

No. 1: Original two wire clip

No. 2: Standard 38mm, two wire clip, chrome steel, reinforcing liner

No. 3: Special Competition model, micro-adjustable

No. 4: Same as No. 3, aluminum, for 90CR Duralumin saddle Idéale



Catalogs and References:

1931 – Rexor, France; page 101, “Selles”

1955 – Ron Kitching, England; one page; specialty distribution, “Idéale : The Continent’s Finest Saddle”

1963 – Ron Kitching, England; four pages; catalog distribution

1969 – Idéale, France; one page; specialty distribution

1970 – Ron Kitching, England; three pages; catalog distribution

1970s – Idéale, France; four pages; catalog distribution

1974 – Gene Portuesi’s CycloPedia, United States; eleventh edition; page 39

1979 – Ron Kitching, England; two pages; catalog distribution

1981 – Ron Kitching, England; one page; catalog distribution

1981 – Bikecology, United States; catalog distribution; page 15, “Seats”


Special Thanks:

Robert Broderick

Dale Brown at Classic Rendezvous

Mark Bulgier

Satoru Masuda

Chuck Schmidt at Velo-Retro



  1. I have an Ideale 145 saddle. Have been able to find no mention of this model anywhere. It is 12 inches in length and 5 inches wide if the framework was ever chromed all traces are gone, I rather think it was originally painted. The next time I have it off the bike I will put it on the scale.

  2. Hello — I just purchased an Ideale 90 Speciale Competition TITANIUM. The saddle has “rodie main selon Rebour” imprinted on the leather top. It’s black leather with 6 copper rivets on the back and 3 on the front. Also, one of the rivet tops is missing — can you give me a good recomendation as to who can replace this rivet for me? Do you have any information on these saddles? I don’t see them listed on your site. Since I’ve only seen one other, I’m assuming that these were pretty rare. Thanks!

  3. Eric,
    Are you still adding updates to the info on the Ideale saddles? I have a good amount of missing information that can help make this more complete.


  4. Great and useful site you have here. On the 43, there appear to be quite a few variants, the constant being the removable frame or “spring”. I have an ealy “incised” rather than stamped 43 with no drilling ot lateral holes. I date it late 40’s. Pictured on my site on the NOIB SC page (some pics show the bike with a battered old generic, but the 43 is easy enough to recognize).

  5. Hi Leonardo,

    The saddle you point out appears to be authentic.

    It is also possible my database has gaps or errors.

    In what ways is the description here different from the auction listing?


  6. Hello John,

    Thank you for your interest in Ebykr.

    Yes, please do provide pictures and any other relevant data on your Ideale 43. Feel free to send them to “ericinsf” “at” “excite” “dot” “com”.

    We would be happy to update our records to reflect your contributions.


  7. Good day. I just received shipment of a bicycle equipped with a model 43 Ideale saddle. I am not certain of the formatting you are using on the page, so it is difficult for me to tell where the description of the Model 42 ends, and the 43 begins, but it appears that either there is no description of the Model 43, or the description doesn’t match the saddle that I have. I would be happy to provide you with pictures of the saddle – which is in quite good condition considering it seems to date from the 1950’s (my guess based on the vintage of the bicycle it is on). It also seems you don’t have a weight for the model 43. I could provide this for you also if you are interested.

    Thank you, for the lovely web site, and for your attention.

    John Barry

  8. Hi All,

    Hope you find the Idéale model guide useful.

    Feel free to forward any information that is missing or needing correction.

    Thanks in advance for your help!


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